4 Reasons You Need a Data Backup Solution YESTERDAY

4 Reasons You Need a Data Backup Solution YESTERDAY, and what you can do to protect yourself from disaster.

What are you doing to safeguard your business’ critical data? In the age of cloud-based and technology-driven services, every organization needs to have a solution in place for data backup and recovery. Today, data is an essential aspect of running a successful business of any size. And the forward march of technological progress means data will be even more vital tomorrow. 

Since we’re not going back to running a company with paper and filing cabinets anytime soon, you literally can’t afford to wait to secure the lifeblood of your business. Could you imagine working day to day without an internet connection or the tools you use to manage your customers? For most of us, it would be devastating. 

But it doesn’t have to be. 

A reliable backup and recovery policy managed by a trustworthy and steadfast IT company can be all that stands between your business and data-loss disaster. Here’s why:


  • Malware and ransomware can hold you hostage.

Not even critical US infrastructure is immune to attack. As we have all seen recently, a cybersecurity attack on a major fuel pipeline involving ransomware caused a several-day outage in the northeast, leading to gasoline shortages and skyrocketing prices. If this can happen in an environment with billions of dollars at stake and world-class personnel on the case, it can happen to anyone.   


  • Technology can simply fail.

Even with the best preparation, technology breaks down over time. Hard drives have a finite lifespan, power outages and other electrical issues can cause damage, and software bugs can take down systems without warning. Even Microsoft and Google’s servers can go down, resulting in painful outages for customers and the business’ bottom lines. 


  • Natural disasters strike without warning.

According to FEMA, 40% of small businesses don’t reopen after a natural disaster. You don’t have to tell anyone living in Oklahoma about the danger mother nature poses. Just wait for your reminder every Saturday at noon that we always have to be on alert. Is your company tornado proof? Fireproof? Impervious to flooding? If not, you need to have a disaster recovery plan.


  • People are human.

Shakespeare said “To err is human,” but what he neglected to mention was that erring is super harmful to your bottom line. Stanford University research concluded that 88% of data breaches are caused by employees’ mistakes. We mess up; it’s inevitable. Because it’s inevitable, we should plan for it. 


History is clear: failing to plan is planning to fail. With the growth of technology-dependent business, the stakes have never been higher for organizations big and small. Managed IT services can help you create a bespoke Data Backup and Recovery solution that makes sense for your business.

Why Amshot?
We’re a Datto partner and one of the top Bare Metal backup and disaster recovery providers. Basically, that means we’re fast. Super fast. While other backup solutions can take weeks to restore your data after an emergency, we can have you back in business in about an hour. You have enough things to worry about; don’t let data recovery be one of them. Ready to get started? Contact us to set up a consultation.

IT Security

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  1. […] your data is pretty important. We even wrote a whole blog about why backing it up is mission critical. As crucial as it is to safeguard your data within your organization, it’s just as essential to […]

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