Gerald L. Gamble Co.

Gerald L. Gamble Co.

Background: Gerald L. Gamble Co. came to amshot with an older website that was somewhat outdated. The site was not dynamic; it was not mobile-friendly and appeared as a small square on large screens. The client was also having trouble displaying their real estate properties. Gerald L. Gamble Co. had an established logo and colors—red-orange, black, and white with an underlined, serif font.

Client needed: As a real estate company, Gerald L. Gamble Co. needed an updated, dynamic/mobile-optimized site, prominently featuring their accreditations, with a friendly interface for displaying their properties.

What we came up with: A simple design playing off the line in their logo with serif header fonts to match the logo fonts. Accreditations are prominently featured on every page in the header, and visitors can easily find listed properties through the “Properties” button on the header or “Properties for Sale & Lease: Show Me!” button on the front page.

Gerald L. Gamble Co. uses third party vendor LoopNet to list properties. On their old site, visitors were redirected to LoopNet’s website to view Gerald L. Gamble properties rather than being able to view them directly on the Gerald L. Gamble Co. website. We worked directly with LoopNet while they were in the process of developing this functionality and were able to set up an API (application program interface) that allowed visitors to stay on the Gerald L. Gamble Co. website when browsing properties, a crucial component of their business.

Like most modern sites, the new site is mobile-optimized and dynamically fits to any size screen.

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